Michael Buble - Home
♬♪♬♪♬♪係合唱團唱音樂劇嗰年 (2003) ,係我自己同以前嗰男友分手後無耐嘅事,所以當年我比呢首歌迷住了:
Oliver! - Where is love?
Where is love?
Does it fall from skies above?
Is it underneath the willow tree
That I've been dreaming of?
Where is she?
Who I close my eyes to see?
Will I ever know the sweet "hello"
That's meant for only me?
Who can say where she may hide lit ?
Must I travel far and wide?
'Til I am beside the someone who
I can mean something to ...
Where is love?
Who can say where...she may hide?
Must I travel...far and wide?
'Til I am beside...the someone who
I can mean...something to...
Where is love?
發現係 Fiddler on the Roof 入面嘅呢首歌 (當年合唱團無唱呢一節) ,更加講到現在的我嘅心情,雖然來了10年,對於我的親人,仍然有呢首歌形容嘅感覺。
Fiddler on the Roof - Far from the home I love
父親:did he ask you to leave your father and mother and join him in that frozen waste land and marry him there?
女兒:No, papa, he did not ask me to go, I want to go.
How can I hope to make you understand
Why I do, What I do
Why I must travel to a distant land
Far from the home I love
Once I was happily content to be
As I was, where I was,
Close to the people who are close to me,
Here in the home I love
Who could see that a man would come
Who would change the shape of my dreams
Helpless now I stand with him
Watching older dreams grow dim
Oh, what a melancholy choice this is
Wanting home, wanting him
Closing my heart to every hope but his
Leaving the home I love
There, where my heart has settled long ago
I must go, I must go,
Who could imagine I'd be wandering so
Far from the home I love
Yet, there with my love, I'm home.
揀咗上面兩段嘅video 都係比較舊嘅表演錄像,係網上有新的嘅製作,但係我覺得年輕人唱唔出嗰種味道(依家要飛去西伯利亞簡直易如反掌,好難唱出嗰種離開親人好耐都唔會再見嘅感覺)
呢幾日不停係到 loop 呢首歌,我諗小貓幾隻會睇呢篇嘢嘅人,都會對呢首歌有同感。
更加想講嘅係,咁多年嚟,的朋友成日話我返去香港都無時間見多幾次面,叫我丢低肥鬼自己返 stay 耐的。我好想應佢 "咁你又唔丢低你屋企人嚟探我?" 佢地唔會明,無咗我喺到,呢到只係一間屋 (house) 喺因為我喺到,所以肥鬼每日放工就返家 (home)
我中學時有兩位老師係夫婦關係,老公教中文,老婆教家政。我很喜愛呢兩位老師,曾經 friend 到會去佢地屋企探佢地,同佢兩個仔都叫相識。
以前細個唔識野,仲會覺得勁呀,維持到無離婚(很多太空人都離婚收場) 依家會諗,就算你話係兩個仔仲細要照顧,幾年就得喇,跟咗過嚟唔走同怪獸家長無分別,兩個仔學唔到獨立之餘,兩個人嘅夫妻生活都沒有了。
呢首歌給我肯定了一樣野 ↪ 兩個人結婚就係要一齊呀!"我"就是他的家,"他"就是我的家。
Home is where you belong!!!
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