黎明來到 之前
每日落街行路兩個鐘,都會聽我嗰個勁舊嘅mp3 (唔用 hi-tech 野,因為唔鍾意聽首歌都比人監控住,會成日"好貼心"咁,跟據你聽開嘅歌,去提議你聽邊首邊首,再"自動"波插入你 playlist 嗰度播!) 我部機勁舊,入面啲歌都勁舊。
遇著香港的沉重嘅新聞嗰幾日,會乜都聽唔入耳,淨係狂 loop 幾首歌,為自己正能量打急救針。呢首係其中一首,有時會一路聽一路淚流滿面,所以,可以的話我會勁早落去行,趁街上仲未有人,會自己對住個海係到勁唱呢首歌。
Les miserables - Stars - Philip Quest
There, out in the darkness 在那暗黑夜裏
A fugitive running 有個壞人在逃走
Fallen from God 逃離神的道
Fallen from grace 逃離正義
God be my witness 神 請做我的見證
I never shall yield 我不會讓路
'Til we come face to face 直至我與壞人面對面
'Til we come face to face 直至我與壞人面對面
He knows his way in the dark 壞人知道佢係黑道入面嘅路
Mine is the way of the Lord 我就跟住神指引我的路
Those who follow the path of the righteous 那個行走正義的路
Shall have their reward 都會得到神的回報
And if they fall as Lucifer fell 而那跟著魔鬼倒下的
The flames 將要面對火燄
The sword! 面對刀劍
Stars 星星
In your multitudes 繁星
Scarce to be counted 數之不盡
Filling the darkness 佈滿在黑夜
With order and light 是如此有秩序與光
You are the sentinels 就好似哨兵
Silent and sure 寂靜而肯定的
Keeping watch in the night 在暗黑之中守護住
Keeping watch in the night 在暗黑之中守護住
You know your place in the sky (星星) 你知道你係天空嘅位置
You hold your course and your aim 你堅守你的道與目標
And each in your season 每個季節
Returns and returns 你都回到呢嗰位置
And is always the same 永遠一樣
And if you fall as Lucifer fell 如果你好像魔鬼那樣倒下了
You fall in flame! 就會跌進火燄
And so it must be, for so it is written 所以世道一定是如此這般發展
On the doorway to paradise 因為係天堂嘅門口係咁樣寫住的
That those who falter and those who fall 那些犯錯倒下的魔鬼
Must pay the price! 一定要為自己嘅錯去付出
Lord, let me find him
That I may see him
Safe behind bars
I will never rest
'Til then
This I swear
This I swear by the stars!
Les miserable 孤星淚,好多香港人識嘅,都係 Do you hear the people sing 大多無人留意呢一首。我自己都好鍾意 Do you hear the people sing 但係,係嗰一段其實係用好幾個角色的對白(對話) 去表達嗰個處境。
反而係 Stars 呢首歌,一個角色係到對天發誓,比較清晰。如果你去搜尋會有兩個版本,我自己鍾意 Philip Quest 呢個版本,沉厚的聲調唱得非常有力,絕對觸動我心底。
佢另外有一段訪問,講佢點樣分析 Javert 呢個角色,Javert 點樣相信自己係企係正義嘅一方,所以對天 (黑夜之中嘅星星) 發誓要捉到 Jean Valjean
Javert 佢自己係一個執法者,覺得自己企係法呢一邊就啱晒,佢睇唔到同佢同一邊嘅政權,已經違背咗人民過咗界,咁佢所執嘅法就已經無咗正當性係入面。
而儒家思想入面,主要就係要你唔好諗咁多,所有野都好簡單,聽指示去做就啱喇,所有野都係絕對啱或絕對錯,攪到依家有14億人,係思想上hang 機。
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