Wednesday, February 21, 2018



咁啱出去行路聽 MP3 就 load 出呢首歌。


Tim McGraw
Humble and Kind

Humble And Kind
You know there's a lot that goes by the front door
Don't forget the keys under the mat
Childhood stars shine, always stay humble and kind
Go to church 'cause your momma says to
Visit grandpa every chance that you can
It won't be a waste of time
Always stay humble and kind
Hold the door say please say thank you
Don't steal, don't cheat, and don't lie
I know you got moutains to climb but
Always stay humble and kind
When the dreams you're dreamin' come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride but
Always stay humble and kind
Don't expect a free ride from no one
Don't hold a grudge or a chip and here's why
Bitterness keeps you from flying
Always stay humble and kind
Know the difference between sleeping with someone
And sleeping with someone you love
I love you ain't no pick up line so
Always stay humble and kind
Hold the door say please say thank you
Don't steal, don't cheat, and don't lie
I know you got moutains to climb but
Always stay humble and kind
When those dreams you're dreamin' come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride but
Always stay humble and kind
When it's hot, eat a root beer, a popsicle
Shut off the AC and roll the windows down
Let that summer sun shine
Always stay humble and kind
Don't take for granted the love this life gives you
When you get where you're goin'
Don't forget turn back around
Help the next one in line
Always stay humble and kind

Don't hold a grudge or a chip and here's why
Bitterness keeps you from flying

When it's hot,  eat a root beer
我地中文講嘅 "飲湯" 佢地係 eat your soup 唔係 drink your soup
而 root beer 呢,就係我細個飲嘅叫沙士汽水嘅野,係汽水嚟嘅,唔係啤酒。

佢地仲有一樣野,叫 root beer float 即係我地叫黑牛 嘅野,就係沙士汽水上面整多舊雪糕囉!!好味!!!

其實唔係真嘅悲劇嚟架(我誇張啫!) 不過真正知道嗰刻又真係心中暗地裏有驚訝!




其實,一早就知有兩位太太都好後生,其中一個同我傾得埋嘅太太L 曾經同佢單獨去街,發現佢足足細我十年!!!





跟據亞洲人嘅思想太太L 真係執輸啦,咁遲!

但係反觀太太K 現在一家5口,每月洗費龐大,信用咭債台高築,而呢條債好明顯係到三條化骨龍入大學都未必還得完。


Humble and Kind
Tim McGraw

When it's hot,  eat a root beer
我地中文叫做飲湯嘅,佢地會話 eat your soup
而 root beer 呢,味道就係我細個飲嘅沙士汽水嗰個味道,其實係汽水嚟嘅,唔係啤酒。

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