梁文道, 29Dec06, 都市日報
【資本主義的影響力,當然要比聖誕節的原始意義大得多。 e.g. 電視新聞中小女孩的聖誕願望:『希望大家可以多點消費,帶旺經濟。』對於這樣的現象,西方基督教國家的人認為是宗教文化的腐蝕,中國抵制聖誕節的學者則認為是商業活動下的文化入侵。
最大分別的例子是中國人的七月十四及西方人的Halloween。同樣是鬼的節日,中國人營造的氣氛都是陰森恐怖的,而西方人的恐怖卻是大人細路一同布置屋企 + 一齊玩Trick & Treat...
總之,現在就是要想辦法將這些節日延續下去。如你好似以上作者,知道一些節日的歷史意義,便盡力將這些knowledge 傳出去吧....
Friday, December 29, 2006
學做整餅師傅 (2006 12 29)
"Desserts Across Europe" 至愛歐洲甜點 (HK$68)
聖誕麵包、檸檬乳酪蛋糕、聖尼古拉斯日曲奇、奶油響板、巧克力米布甸、月亮包、法式蘋果批、提拉米蘇、蘋果焦糖餅亁、蛋白甜餅... ...
萬里機構 http://www.wanlibk.com
I love cooking and believe that I have talent on cooking but of course - the side effect is that I like eating also
There was one day my sister asked me if "你係為食而生存 or 為生存而食"... i almost did not think and then answer that I am 為食而生存... that was about when I was 12/13 years old and I did not use my brain to answer, however, later on, when I study hotel mgt, when i have to work in hotels and face the food everyday, i found that i am 為生存而食 hehe...
In my secondary school days, my teacher also gave me the comment that I have talent in cooking. She then recommended me to join the towngas cooking competition (so brave
) and finally, I won
the top ten participants... the competition require 2 ppl as a team and cook 3 things in one hour (something like that.. after all, it's about things happening 16years ago
) I joined with my best friend - Floria, who is a girl, WHO DONT KNOW ABOUT COOKING... hehe... so, it's actually me, cooking all the things within 1 hour... hahaha and still won the top ten
, so i really believe i can handle cooking well.... (I had dinner with Floria last night and we talked abt this competition also, she still think that It's she made me lost the competition... ) after all, it's a really good experience and at least, it make me realize that I have interest in cooking...
later on, I went to study hotel and catering management... there I learn cooking French... Fast food... Chinese food... all kinds of things not just for household but in a huge western kitchen for hotel or caterer usage and I still manage that...
I miss the days there that I always responsible for the dessert area... and later on when I join the Club as a management trainee where I meet a lot of Executive Chef (one of them is Roman Ramsauer, he's a very very kind Chef that I met and he also praise me having design talents on cakes layout / presentation.... I miss him very much as he passed away later on b/c of liver cancer)
however, what i want to tell is that.... i do not have an oven at home
not even a microwave cos my mom she always think that our kitchen is so crowded... i think it would be good cos if I have so many equipment at home, i would then keep cooking things at home and I think i would weight 300lb already... hehe now that I am waiting for the days in MI.... hehe
where my friend have a big oven and nice stove.... hahaha I can cook whatever i want..... hahahaha
聖誕麵包、檸檬乳酪蛋糕、聖尼古拉斯日曲奇、奶油響板、巧克力米布甸、月亮包、法式蘋果批、提拉米蘇、蘋果焦糖餅亁、蛋白甜餅... ...
萬里機構 http://www.wanlibk.com
I love cooking and believe that I have talent on cooking but of course - the side effect is that I like eating also
There was one day my sister asked me if "你係為食而生存 or 為生存而食"... i almost did not think and then answer that I am 為食而生存... that was about when I was 12/13 years old and I did not use my brain to answer, however, later on, when I study hotel mgt, when i have to work in hotels and face the food everyday, i found that i am 為生存而食 hehe...
In my secondary school days, my teacher also gave me the comment that I have talent in cooking. She then recommended me to join the towngas cooking competition (so brave
later on, I went to study hotel and catering management... there I learn cooking French... Fast food... Chinese food... all kinds of things not just for household but in a huge western kitchen for hotel or caterer usage and I still manage that...
I miss the days there that I always responsible for the dessert area... and later on when I join the Club as a management trainee where I meet a lot of Executive Chef (one of them is Roman Ramsauer, he's a very very kind Chef that I met and he also praise me having design talents on cakes layout / presentation.... I miss him very much as he passed away later on b/c of liver cancer)
however, what i want to tell is that.... i do not have an oven at home
Monday, October 30, 2006
鴛鴦雞翼 (2006 10 30)
1. 雞翼洗淨,放入一大鍋開水內,汆水約5分鐘,倒入疏箕內瀝水,分兩份,以廚紙揩乾.
A. 豉油雞翼醃料:
加蓋多microwave 2分鐘, 移出.
B. 南乳雞翼醃料:南乳1塊約2湯匙/白糖2茶匙/紹酒1湯匙/水3湯匙
Puff 泡芙 (2006 10 30)
Let's learn English (2006 10 30)
一群牛 =a yoke of oxen (oxen 是 ox 的眾數)
一群兔子 = a nest of rabbit
一群狼 = a pack of wolves
一群鯨魚 = a school of whales
一群羊 = a flock of sheep
一群兔子 = a nest of rabbit
一群狼 = a pack of wolves
一群鯨魚 = a school of whales
一群羊 = a flock of sheep
Sunday, October 22, 2006
珠海表演 (2006 10 21)
正所謂瘦田無人耕,耕開有人爭... 呢個就係我地個團最好的寫照了。
所以淨係舊年, 我地個團總共出動了四次有多, 包括二月去台灣高雄表演 {順便探下黃友隸老師}、八月又去北京比賽、十月就去咗珠海表演,最後就係十一月去咗韓國比賽)...
仲有仲有, 好pro嘅我地, 係韓國返嚟一落機, 就要去浸會大學排練另一個係舊年十二月頭嘅表演, 係唱貝九嘅(貝多芬第九交響樂), 跟住落係我地個團每年都幫Marina's Club唱的Choral Service ... 然後仲有今年一月同中樂團合作的表演(係一首香港本地創作的歌的世界首演) .... 真係令到我的"演藝人生涯"非常非常充實, 除咗可以同曹丁老師合作, 我相信, 表演機會可以講話係呢個團, 令到我唔捨得走嘅唯一原因....
今日就先講講2006年10月21-22日, 珠海呢次嘅表演.... 係一個風和日麗嘅星期六... 我地就出發搭船去咗珠海... 在途中, 我梗係暈眩得快要死了, 所以一張相都無... 每次要搭船外出, 我都同自己講, "今次, 一定係我一生人最後一次搭船了"... 耐何!!!!我無錢搭直昇機去表演... 唯有繼續"暈船浪"的生涯呀!!!!!!!!!!!!到埗了, 呢到就係我地上旅遊巴的地方....

(因為我地團那位非常負責任的經理人, 實在太體恤我地嘅感受
, 驚我地太早知道又有表演, 會過於緊張
, 所以呢, 我地係係最後幾星期, 先知道加咗呢個表演
), 所以我只可以在一落車的時候, 乘機同表演場地入口影張相留念.... 可能喜小姐已經對出外表演有D麻木... 所以, 我記得佢今次係無帶相機嘅, 咁我就做咗佢隨團私人攝影師囉....

大家見到呢個咁美麗嘅珠海大會堂 -- 好新架!!!!!!! (我地今次嘅表演場地), 又有邊個會諗到係 2004年??? or 2005年??? 我地同樣嚟珠海表演, 那一晚我地的場地是一個歌舞劇場 + 電影院的混合體的地方表演!!!!!

今次唔同晒, 個場內裏一樣咁靚架...

例牌菜: 一到步梗係rehersal先啦.... 然後再去大會安排俾我地嘅地方, 再排練一下... 排練完一出嚟, 就見到呢個咁靚嘅咸蛋黃, 梗係第一時間影底佢啦...

其實, 上次嚟珠海表演住咗三日兩夜, 已經玩得有D熟路... 所以今次, 襯食飯時間自己幾個(咪又係我地三個人!!!!!!)走咗出去食 (因為入面都係食恐怖飯盒!!!!!!!!).... 行吓行吓, 又嚟番呢個廣場.... 因為其實我地個團, 今次又係住番上次嗰間酒店... 嘻嘻... 都唔錯架...

食完飯返嚟已經天都黑晒啦.... 大家見到會當門口人頭湧湧... 就知道珠海拱北愛樂合唱團的水準是如何了得吧... 因為他們有曹丁老師坐陣嘛.... 簡直就係如虎添翼呢... 他們在國內可是贏過很多比賽的呢....

每次表演唔少得的... 換好團服.. 梗係又週圍影相啦....
下面張相入面, 我相信大家一睇就知啦... 最有份量的, 梗係我地最敬愛的曹丁老師了... 每次與他合作, 我地個個都好開心...好開心... 佢係國家一級指揮, 對音樂非常有要求, 而且造藝非常的高... 但對我們非常非常的好, 每次與曹老師表演我們都學到很多很多的東西, 能夠同曹老師合作, 我覺得, 係係合唱團呢七年入面, 最最最最最最最大的收穫

呢隊就係珠海拱北愛樂合唱團... 你睇下人地個啲團服幾靚... 唱西樂有西服... 唱中樂有中式團服... 唔似我地... "單吊西走天涯", 不過, 最緊要都係唱歌的水準.... 真係同人無得比.... 差不多他們每一個都隨時可以solo.... 我地個啲人... 調咗位就即刻唔識唱無晒聲

來來來... 總結一下我係度七年的收成:-

呢位係我個團入面嘅媽咪, 佢好好人架, 教會我很多東西, 我入嚟的時候係唱2nd Sop的 (即係第二女高音), 就係企係媽咪隔離喇, 佢好照顧新人架, 我係度唱咗咁耐, 部份原因都係因為媽咪, 佢係一個好好的leader, 所以2nd Sop的全部人relationship個個都好好感情...

右邊呢位係"溫柔太太", 人如其名... 好溫柔架, 又有"交帶", 有佢做Part leader個時實在好... 對人又好好, 又無脾氣...

跟住, 梗係我地三隻野啦.. 哈哈哈

呢兩位係我地tenor嘅台柱... 特別左邊呢個非常愛古董等等... 次次次出外表演都一大袋一小袋的回港...

咁我梗係唔少得, 要影番張"相睇相"哈!哈!哈!

表演完的夜晚... 孤寒症發作(死唔肯攞多日假玩吓, 死都要即晚返香港), 但由珠海返港的船早停了, 我地要經拱北關口去澳門再搭夜船返港... 經過關口, 竟然見到"輯拿狗罪犯"poster????...原來係拱北關口輯毒犬介紹.... 哈哈

拱北關口商場入面... "真功夫"??? 形容我地最啱... 凡地次次次次都無用mic架..

葡文的士站, 證明我地過經過澳門架...

澳門夜景多..... 賭徒...


所以淨係舊年, 我地個團總共出動了四次有多, 包括二月去台灣高雄表演 {順便探下黃友隸老師}、八月又去北京比賽、十月就去咗珠海表演,最後就係十一月去咗韓國比賽)...
仲有仲有, 好pro嘅我地, 係韓國返嚟一落機, 就要去浸會大學排練另一個係舊年十二月頭嘅表演, 係唱貝九嘅(貝多芬第九交響樂), 跟住落係我地個團每年都幫Marina's Club唱的Choral Service ... 然後仲有今年一月同中樂團合作的表演(係一首香港本地創作的歌的世界首演) .... 真係令到我的"演藝人生涯"非常非常充實, 除咗可以同曹丁老師合作, 我相信, 表演機會可以講話係呢個團, 令到我唔捨得走嘅唯一原因....
今日就先講講2006年10月21-22日, 珠海呢次嘅表演.... 係一個風和日麗嘅星期六... 我地就出發搭船去咗珠海... 在途中, 我梗係暈眩得快要死了, 所以一張相都無... 每次要搭船外出, 我都同自己講, "今次, 一定係我一生人最後一次搭船了"... 耐何!!!!我無錢搭直昇機去表演... 唯有繼續"暈船浪"的生涯呀!!!!!!!!!!!!到埗了, 呢到就係我地上旅遊巴的地方....
大家見到呢個咁美麗嘅珠海大會堂 -- 好新架!!!!!!! (我地今次嘅表演場地), 又有邊個會諗到係 2004年??? or 2005年??? 我地同樣嚟珠海表演, 那一晚我地的場地是一個歌舞劇場 + 電影院的混合體的地方表演!!!!!
今次唔同晒, 個場內裏一樣咁靚架...
例牌菜: 一到步梗係rehersal先啦.... 然後再去大會安排俾我地嘅地方, 再排練一下... 排練完一出嚟, 就見到呢個咁靚嘅咸蛋黃, 梗係第一時間影底佢啦...
其實, 上次嚟珠海表演住咗三日兩夜, 已經玩得有D熟路... 所以今次, 襯食飯時間自己幾個(咪又係我地三個人!!!!!!)走咗出去食 (因為入面都係食恐怖飯盒!!!!!!!!).... 行吓行吓, 又嚟番呢個廣場.... 因為其實我地個團, 今次又係住番上次嗰間酒店... 嘻嘻... 都唔錯架...
食完飯返嚟已經天都黑晒啦.... 大家見到會當門口人頭湧湧... 就知道珠海拱北愛樂合唱團的水準是如何了得吧... 因為他們有曹丁老師坐陣嘛.... 簡直就係如虎添翼呢... 他們在國內可是贏過很多比賽的呢....
每次表演唔少得的... 換好團服.. 梗係又週圍影相啦....
下面張相入面, 我相信大家一睇就知啦... 最有份量的, 梗係我地最敬愛的曹丁老師了... 每次與他合作, 我地個個都好開心...好開心... 佢係國家一級指揮, 對音樂非常有要求, 而且造藝非常的高... 但對我們非常非常的好, 每次與曹老師表演我們都學到很多很多的東西, 能夠同曹老師合作, 我覺得, 係係合唱團呢七年入面, 最最最最最最最大的收穫
呢隊就係珠海拱北愛樂合唱團... 你睇下人地個啲團服幾靚... 唱西樂有西服... 唱中樂有中式團服... 唔似我地... "單吊西走天涯", 不過, 最緊要都係唱歌的水準.... 真係同人無得比.... 差不多他們每一個都隨時可以solo.... 我地個啲人... 調咗位就即刻唔識唱無晒聲
來來來... 總結一下我係度七年的收成:-
呢位係我個團入面嘅媽咪, 佢好好人架, 教會我很多東西, 我入嚟的時候係唱2nd Sop的 (即係第二女高音), 就係企係媽咪隔離喇, 佢好照顧新人架, 我係度唱咗咁耐, 部份原因都係因為媽咪, 佢係一個好好的leader, 所以2nd Sop的全部人relationship個個都好好感情...
右邊呢位係"溫柔太太", 人如其名... 好溫柔架, 又有"交帶", 有佢做Part leader個時實在好... 對人又好好, 又無脾氣...
跟住, 梗係我地三隻野啦.. 哈哈哈
呢兩位係我地tenor嘅台柱... 特別左邊呢個非常愛古董等等... 次次次出外表演都一大袋一小袋的回港...
咁我梗係唔少得, 要影番張"相睇相"哈!哈!哈!
表演完的夜晚... 孤寒症發作(死唔肯攞多日假玩吓, 死都要即晚返香港), 但由珠海返港的船早停了, 我地要經拱北關口去澳門再搭夜船返港... 經過關口, 竟然見到"輯拿狗罪犯"poster????...原來係拱北關口輯毒犬介紹.... 哈哈
拱北關口商場入面... "真功夫"??? 形容我地最啱... 凡地次次次次都無用mic架..
葡文的士站, 證明我地過經過澳門架...
澳門夜景多..... 賭徒...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The Last Sunday (2006 09 17)
today, we just sleep and go shopping for the things on his list...
phones, sun glasses, bags, belts, all that he want...

how can i know that???
Saturday, September 16, 2006
The Nervious Day (2006 09 16)
The most nervious day arrived!!!!
After shopping for awhile in Mong Kok in the afternoon, taking a shower, we meet our parents & family members... as what he descript "the army"... it is a nice and happy dinner gathering, both he and my parents trying hard to talk to each other... and of course "body language" help a lot and needless to say, help from my brother and sister.... hehe as translator...
Friday, September 15, 2006
The Repulse Bay (2006 09 15)
the day starts with a McDonald's Breakfast... full... full...full...
originally, I want to try chinese tea with him but "no wired" thing is the principle... so...
we head to the repulse bay in the afternoon and he finally got to see the "south china sea"...
what makes him so interested into is those grave on the hill side when we are on the bus going into the repulse bay... he keep taking picture of it??????
i should have dinner with scout ppl but too tired... so head to bed so early at 9pm only...
Thursday, September 14, 2006
The Elephant Show (2006 09 14)
after the tiny little house inspection... we came to elephant show that the "kwai lo" did not have much interest but the crazy woman is very interested to take photo of it... haha
then we head to the big shopping in ParknShop... hahaha full full 4 bags and 2 bottles of 5 lt water.... cos I told myself that i have to drink 2.5 lt per day.... somehow...
看看小人國 (2006 09 14)
With big surprise and curiosity, we come to the tiny little ppl's world.
The "kwai lo" just cannot control himself from taking pic of the small things
.... bedrooms... beds... toilet...
cabinets... living room... and so and so... to summrise... it is real SMALL
when compare to big things in US.... 1000feet home... big ppl... big cars... big stuff... hahaha
The "kwai lo" just cannot control himself from taking pic of the small things
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