I just started packing my stuff, cos I have spend 10 years working here, it's a lot of work to do...
5 years ago, I was doing the same - packing, to move from the Clubhouse to here - Human Resources. I dont know why, maybe I am so excited for the things that's going to happen in the near future, (or that I really hate here??), I dont have much sad or unhappy feeling, this's the most different compared with 5 years ago.
Working in the Club, was actually my first job in my entire life since I graduate (or even more early as I was a trainee in the club when I study hotel mgt), back then, I dont like to leave my friends and colleagues who worked with me in the clubhouse, but I really couldn't tolorate my boss anymore at that moment , so I choose to leave.
Now, here has no one I hate, but just feeling everything is stuck with daily routine, and you dont even FEEL there's any possibility for change, add-on other personal reason, I just choose to up and go.
Be honest, I dont have much scary feeling of going to US, because, at worst case, I dont think I will be die because of starvation, I just need time to think of something - what I really want, how I want my life 2nd half part to be... ...
When I clearing my stuff in the drawer this afternoon, I just found out a "2001 Calendar" with the theme:-
"Happiness is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy."
Every day is a new beginning for us to do better
We need not to be perfect, but we need to grow
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by not doing well today
Never stop studying, Never stop reading, Never stop learning
Handle yourself with your head, but handle others with your heart
Effective communication is: make it clear, keep it simple, get to the point
The good news is that trouble can be turned into opportunity when you change your attitude
Do smart things with great love
To worry about tomorrow is to be unhappy today
Think little of what others think of you
Be confident and true to your own value, for no one can make you feel inferior without your concent
Because I really put it in action "never stop reading" so now that I have so many boxes of books to pack and take it home... ...
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