Accuracy is everything when you climb Mt. Everest
JimWhittaker (1st American to reach the summit of Mt. Everest)
The top of the world is a very dangerous and unforgiving place.
That's why, to avoid life threatening weather, you must start your descent on time.
Which is why a dependable timepiece like a ???? Watch is so important in an environment that features truly adverse conditions.
The watch that once ran America's railroads now helps the world's explorers keep time. There is no timepiece that is as rugged and dependable.
I guess every people would know that the above is an advertisement in one of a newspaper for a famous brand name of watch (and it's so expensive!) Note that I am not promoting the watch here, but, the first time I saw the ad, I just cut it and place it on my desktop, cause I just could not be more agree with the phase "Accuracy is everything when you climb Mt. Everest"
On the first day I joined the Club, I met Eva, she's my very best colleague I ever met. She taught me so many so many thing including accuracy, because, our boss, at that time, was a devil, 'she' would pin-point any small careless mistake you have made and even worse, she would not say it, until - 6pm when you pack up and go, she would then call you over and point out the thing and ask you to stay and correct it.
During that period, I also witness one accident - how a senior manager could trap a small potato (make her signing a misconduct). I feel so lucky that I have met Eva and to fight with her at that time. And I am so glad that we have safely travel throught that period and to learn a lesson - dangerous are everywhere, at work, people do not have the responsibility to treat you good or NOT to trap you and it's your own responsibility to be careful - at all times.
I am so so glad that I have been experience all that on the first few years when I just started working.
When looking at my junior staff right now, I feel myself even blessed as they did not go throught such tough period, thus, their hard time is coming and I know deep under, they are scared as their new supervisor (well know of very demanding) is soon arriving (to replace me)...
The first few years of work had made my career path more smooth and easy as I have taste the bittest first - which is also my own belief, just like that when I have a bowl of won ton noodles, I would eat the noodles first, finished by those won tons.... hahaha