我的大假,由2004年開始,因為條team不停換人同expand business嘅關係,一路都放唔到假,只係一年幾日幾日咁放,入咗紙,都要我cancel 大假...所以,今次我都可以好似我公司啲高級行政員工咁樣-放咗成一個月嘅大大大假...
而今次,都可以話係我第日過去生活嘅演習,所以,雖然係朝早8.30機,阿肥爹都陪我嚟機場 ( my very caring father, he offer me to take me to the airport and wake me up... hahaha)
see, we still have plenty of time to "kill" 2 newspaper that morning!!
it's been almost 2 years from the last time I went to US (2 weeks)... and still -> exciting b/c this time, I will be staying there for 1 month (long vacation
Besides, what I like most is -> the overview of Siberia, the feeling and visual effect that you are flying from the day time zone of the earth to a night time zone of the earth that you will clearly see "the dawn" and "the sun set" in that 14hr flight... (if the flight attendant let you open the window)
I always feel so funny to look at the place like this, it's just like a small model that we are "playing", and I did ask my friend where is this in detroit, and He CONFESS... hahaha he dont know...
Does anyone know that Michigan is also called "thousand lakes island"???
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