其實呢度係肥鬼個friend - John & Melissa嘅屋企,出面唔係好似大家諗得咁凍,其實係車上車落個陣覺得大風的咁囉...同埋,當你企定係度,係未必睇到嘅因為應該係風大過雪...所以要累積一定程度之後先係個地下度見到...

John & Melissa屋企附近一棵怪樹...

跟住我地就去咗行Nina Salvaggio一間亞洲supermarket...大家見唔見到的雪呀???飛吓飛吓咁樣...


Before I went there this time, my friend had already keep reminding me that on Easter Sunday (7Apr07) I have to cook him something so that he could take it back to work for the easter party... he keep reminding me...
that's why, the 1st day I wake up, even it's scared me (snow!!!!) we still head out to this Nina Salvaggio asian market... a bit far away (everywhere is far away to me!!!). Surprisingly, I really see a lot of asian stuff inside, but not really very Hong Kong...

however, I do like the markets there, it would not be crowded like the ParknShop Super Store!!!!

and I found this thing, it's some kind of fruit, sweet in taste and the shell is medium hard to break and eat the content inside, my mom brought some of this just a few days before I went there.

(if you can see, the snow is blowing outside hehe)
Right after shopping for "easter cooking", we went to meet his friend, John & Melissa and their little girl Kristen, she is really such a lovely girl and we did "talk" a lot of the way driving to eat... she's funny... and we just keep laughing... while we eat Mixico food that nite, she just keep eating the "hot" nachos"... wow brave...

This is some beans paste with fried rice and egg roll (gross... I dont like this kind of egg roll cos the skin is so thick, not like chinese spring roll but they love them so much!?!?!)
I had some chicken salad with the sauce is really good good good.... I think it should be some yogurt with herbs...

Arriving on the Apr3, it's still having sunshine and "looks" warm, that Jim was in short sleeves and short pants, however, it was just 1 night later, when we woke up, it's snowing outside!!!!
When we drove to the int'l market, it was crazily windy, and I can see raindrops / snow format stuff is flying in the air!!!!! and the road side sign just show that it was 31F (i.e. 0 C)!!!!
We buy a lot of stuff in the int'l market, especially asian stuff and yesterday, i was doing "Won Ton" and surprisingly, it taste good....
will take pic later on... haha
我的大假,由2004年開始,因為條team不停換人同expand business嘅關係,一路都放唔到假,只係一年幾日幾日咁放,入咗紙,都要我cancel 大假...所以,今次我都可以好似我公司啲高級行政員工咁樣-放咗成一個月嘅大大大假...
而今次,都可以話係我第日過去生活嘅演習,所以,雖然係朝早8.30機,阿肥爹都陪我嚟機場 ( my very caring father, he offer me to take me to the airport and wake me up... hahaha)
see, we still have plenty of time to "kill" 2 newspaper that morning!!
it's been almost 2 years from the last time I went to US (2 weeks)... and still -> exciting b/c this time, I will be staying there for 1 month (long vacation
), kind of rehersal... As usual, I still work until the very last day (2Apr2007) and I did not sleep all night for packing the luggage (lazy
), but flying at 3Apr2007, 0830hrs!!!!!!!!!!! b/c of the new security measures (and my very 緊張 parents!!!), I have to arrive the airport at 0630hrs?!?!?! it's a real tough thing to me actually.

Besides, what I like most is -> the overview of Siberia, the feeling and visual effect that you are flying from the day time zone of the earth to a night time zone of the earth that you will clearly see "the dawn" and "the sun set" in that 14hr flight... (if the flight attendant let you open the window)

I always feel so funny to look at the place like this, it's just like a small model that we are "playing", and I did ask my friend where is this in detroit, and He CONFESS... hahaha he dont know...
Does anyone know that Michigan is also called "thousand lakes island"???